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Drop-off and Dismissal Procedures

Refer to diagrams below instructions.

Preschool/Kindergarten Drop-off

  • Follow the arrows on the diagram and pull into the area labeled “Preschool/Kindergarten Drop-off.”
  • Walk your child into the school building via the crosswalk, following the guidance of the parking lot attendant.
  • Follow the arrows to exit.
  • Note: By the end of the first quarter, kindergarten parents should drop their child off in the same fashion as grade level drop off. Parents will no longer be required to walk the child to the classroom. Preschool parents will continue to take their child to the classroom for the duration of the school year.

Preschool/Kindergarten Pickup

  • Noon dismissal - Follow the same procedures for morning drop-off. No traffic attendant will be on duty at this time. Follow the arrows on the diagram to exit.
  • Afternoon dismissal - Follow the same procedures for morning drop-off and noon dismissal. If you are picking up a preschool or kindergarten student only, please park in the spaces designated "Pre-K/Kindergarten Only." Please follow the yellow arrows to exit the parking lot. If you are picking up any other elementary or secondary student, please park in rows one through four and follow the directions for "Grade Level Pickup."

Grade Level Drop-off

  • Follow the arrows on the diagram to pull in front of the glass doors as far forward as traffic permits. When students exit the vehicle, follow the arrows to exit. Follow the guidance of the traffic attendant.

Grade Level Pickup

  • Follow the arrows on the diagram to pull into a parking space. Please go as far down and as far forward as possible to fill rows one, two, three, and four in that order. Wait in your vehicle for your student to be dismissed.
  • Please do not move your vehicle until directed to do so by the traffic attendants. The traffic attendant will guide you to pull forward and/or exit to the left.